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Covid-19 Update

     Please know that we are taking extra steps to make sure our space is thoroughly sanitized between each client. Please stay 6 feet away from other people, when possible. Your therapist may wear a mask if you request them to. It's not a requirement that you wear a mask. Our therapists will not work if they are feeling any symptoms of being sick and we ask that if you feel unwell, please call us to reschedule. We will be waiving our usual cancelation policy for the time being so as long as you call us to reschedule at least 3 hours before your appointment, you will not be charged.

     We thank you so much for your business during this time and always.*
     Please plan on arriving 5 minutes early to fill out the paperwork. If you are more than 5 minutes late, your therapist may need to cut your session to allow time for the next client. 



Please call us at (928 )713-9614 with any questions.


Thank you!,

Hand On! Integrative Bodywork 

© 2020 by Spencer Schnurman; Bic Raven Productions

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